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About This Site

This site serves as the visual presentation component of Malaka Friedman's MA portfolio "Finding the Middle Ground: Analyzing the Before and After of the Digital Divide Through the Lens of a Social Media Movement in Argument for Digital Literacy."  Below you will find several items within Malaka's portfolio, as well as Malaka's insights she has developed over the course of her master's degree. 


Malaka's portfolio focuses on the digital divide when it came to accessing the 2017 Women's March as a purely social media movement. Her portfolio is organized into the "before" of the digital divide of issues with regard to accessing the digital tools needed to find information and resources about the Women's March. The focus does switch in the second document towards focusing on the "after" of getting online through analyzing conversations that existed in social media spaces used by the Women March's participants. 


Click the links below to access the pages for each section of my MA portfolio.

Before Getting Online
Part 1:
Technology as a Barrier for Collective Identity
Portfolio Preface:
Finding the Middle Ground
After Getting Online
Part 2:
Does the Pussy Grab Back?
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